The Forbidden candies

Sorry guys, these candies I will not be able to share with you.

These are candies that took me a lot of time and effort to develop, some are simple, some are very complex, but understanding how to do that – that’s what took all that time and efforts. Usually it took me from 2 to 12 weeks  to develop these candies.

What am I talking about?

  1. True honey candies – amazing flavor…. Like a solid form of honey.
  2. Reesses chocolate and butter cups candies – a tough one! 3 months and tens of      batches down the drain… but I made it!
  3. Werthers original candies – No, I don’t know their recipe – but I’m so close you      can’t tell the difference.
  4. Toffee without margerine – natural toffee tends to harden and become brittle or crumbly – this recipe/concept will stay flexible for good.
  5. Brownie hard candies and toffee candies
  6. Super soft candies for cake filling – that won’t crystalize over time
  7. Toffee you can freeze and will not freeze or harden…

These are just some of these candies that I have developed, and I have many more under development (syrup free candies, using natural cane sugar – instead of substitute alcoholic sugars!).

Now you must be asking – Why can’t you tell me?

Well, if I ever establish a business, make candies for a living (a long lasting dream) – I will want to use these candy recipes to make awesome candies in all types of flavors and textures.

Until further notice, these are my candy commercial secrets – If you are a maker, a sweets factory and you wish to use these recipes and to make these candies – email me…

Thanks for understanding!

Have a sweet day
